Friday, July 20, 2007

The impact of a nationwide wireless Internet

Here are a few projections by Gary Brown, CEO of the new wireless corporation. With the introduction of this new service you can expect some big changes...and not just with how people get online.

  • Cable and DSL will become obsolete.
Once nationwide coverage is available, there will no longer be any need for "wired" internet connections, other than the Internet backbone itself. Our service will be completely mobile and at $19.95 per month, cable and DSL simply will no longer be able to compete.

  • Cellular technology will vanish.
Cell phones will be a thing of the past. New smartphones (think Iphone) will be widely available and all will be compatible with our service. With unlimited minutes being offered for $9.95 per month...cellular companies will simply cease to exist.

  • Satellite and Cable TV are in serious trouble.
Watch for "wifi enabled" televisions to begin emerging. All programming will likely be "on demand", able to be viewed at any time instantly, thanks to our highspeed network. Imagine receiving an email notification informing you that the latest episode of "House" (or whatever) has been completed and is available for you to view. With the possible exception of sporting events, watch for "prime time" to disappear.

  • New ways for advertisers to reach their target market
A satellite was launched last year to give our network built in GPS capabilities. This will enable us to pinpoint the location of your smartphone within 12 inches (latitude, longitude, and altitude). Now imagine, if you will, walking down the road looking at a map on your smartphone. It's around lunchtime and you are feeling kind of hungry so you are trying to find restaurants in the area. An ad appears telling you about a $5.00 buffet lunch special and the restaurant is just around the corner at the next block. How's that for service? Imagine ad you actually wanted to see. Good for the advertiser, good for the customer.

  • 250 million North American customer within 12 months of launching.
If this projection holds true, the wireless corporation will become the fastest growing company in the history of the Internet. The Asian market will open approximately 6 months after the North American launch. Expect Australia, South America and Europe soon after that.

  • More to come
Stay tuned.