Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Mountain Terrain WiFi testing has begun

2008 will be the year that we launch our entirely new wireless Internet service. Similar to WiFi and WiMax, but for all practical purposes, is neither.

Our highly anticipated launch is getting close now.

The mountain terrain testing is all that is left to satisfy the investors and fund the IPO. Once that happens, a firm launch date can be announced.

Mountain testing has begun, and should take 2 to 4 weeks to complete. After that, the test data can be compiled back at the lab for integration into the programming. This will then need to be thoroughly tested and checked for functionality. This entire process should take an additional two or three weeks.

If all goes as well as anticipated, then we could see a launch by this summer.

Lets keep our fingers crossed.

To stay up to date on the progress of the project and stay informed about the pending IPO, visit http://todayswifi.net/

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